Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

Liburan Panjang ini Lebih Baik Mengasah Imajinasi dengan Baca Novel

Kecanduan games atau kecanduan Chatting sudah berbahaya. Sifatnya tersembunyi jadi pada awalnya susah terdeteksi, tapi akibatnya sangat mengerikan. Ada 7 akibat kecanduan games : 1. malas, 2. apatis, 3.Tukang bohong 4. jarang mandi. 5. Suka ngomong jorok 6. BODOH DAN MUDAH PUTUS ASA (baca : raportnya fire fire fire burzzzzzzzz) 7. Rajin ke warnet (baca : tambah makin suka mie instan bikinan mas/mbak warnet dan teh kemasan dan cepat bosan di rumah).

Paling enak liburan panjang ini, jalan-jalan (traveling) sambil bawa dan baca buku novel.
Novel apa ?

Eleven-year-old twins Jason and Julia have just moved from London to an old mansion on the English coast. Their new home is filled with twisting tunnels and strange artifacts from around the world, and the twins can't wait to discover all its secrets.

Before long, Jason, Julia, and their friend Rick stumble upon a mysterious-looking door hidden behind an old wardrobe. But none of the keys in the house will open it.

What lies behind the door? And why has someone tried to conceal it? Jason, Julia, and Rick are determined to find out, no matter what it takes. . . .

Rincian lebih lanjut

The Door to Time / Pintu waktu (penerbit Erlangga)
Oleh Pierdomenico Baccalario, Ulysses Moore
Edisi: cetak ulang
Diterbitkan oleh Scholastic, Incorporated, 2007
ISBN 0439776740, 9780439776745
240 halaman

Baca deh... GBU

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